신세계백화점 대구점 오픈

조회수: 2443
2월 01, 2017

DBOX’s work has been recognized by organizations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Emmy® Awards), Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, World Luxury Award, American Design Awards, and The International Property Awards, and has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. DBOX was founded in 1996 and maintains studios in New York, London, Taipei, and Miami.

DBOX’s work has been recognized by organizations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Emmy® Awards), Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, World Luxury Award, American Design Awards, and The International Property Awards, and has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
DBOX was founded in 1996 and maintains studios in New York, London, Taipei, and Miami.

신세계백화점 대구점 오픈

신세계백화점은 패션, 미식, 문화, 그리고 엔터테인먼트가 어우러진 쇼핑 공간 ‘대구 신세계’를 오픈했다.
온 가족이 즐길 수 있는 라이프스타일 스토어의 진수를 보여주는 곳으로, 패션, 뷰티는 물론, 대구의 맛집을 하나로 모은 푸드 마켓, 국내외 아티스트를 만날 수 있는 신세계갤러리, 홈 컬렉션 등 다채로운 공간을 갖춰 눈길을 끈다.
대구의 새로운 명소가 될 신세계백화점 대구점에서 색다른 쇼핑 경험을 만끽해보자.

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